Jackie Enos

Beachbody Changes & How To Use BODI Platform

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Beachbody Changes & How To Use BODI Platform

Beachbody has made lots of changes over the years. We are constantly growing and evolving. Beachbody is now known as BODI. It better reflects our mission and goals. We are also evolving with technology and now we can bring more fitness and nutrition experts to our BODI Partners and Members.

If you are like me you started with Beachbody back in the day when we had DVD’s. Do you even own a DVD player anymore? Most likely NO. Because we all use streaming platforms on our TV’s. But back in the day if you wanted the newest workout program you forked over $60-$80 for the DVD set or $180-$200 for the workout and supplements. We launched a new programs a year and if you bought each new program you spent hundreds a year!

Not only that but most people repeated those same workouts OVER AND OVER. As a trainer and instructor I know most people do not add more weights, squat lower, jump higher on their own. So by the 4th time you did that program your body was no longer challenged.

Plus mentally it was boring and GOODNESS some trainers had corny jokes and I could not bear to hear those corny liners anymore ( aka Tony Horton)!!!

Beachbody workouts

Then as technology changed we moved onto BEACHBODY ON DEMAND a streaming service. It was like NETFLIX for  FITNESS. Now you could take your workouts with you. You had access to hundreds of workouts for less money. I love to travel and loved that I could take my workouts wherever I went by using the app on my phone or the website on my laptop. PLUS as a group fitness instructor, I could do my workout at the gym using my phone before I had to teach my morning classes!

BODI workouts


                                                                                                        TOTAL SOLUTION PACKAGE

Technology continued to change. Beachbody then created a second platform called BODI. Originally the platform was a chance to host live classes with the Beachbody super trainers and the new BODI trainers. Many BOD (Beachbody on demand) members were reluctant to join the new platform. They thought they had to take live classes. YOU DO NOT!

Just like the workouts you do on BOD are recorded and then loaded onto the platform the same goes with BODI classes. Sure you can still take a few live classes if it fits your schedule but most people are not doing them LIVE.

BODI workouts

After a year of the BODI classes Beachbody also merged with another fitness platform called OPEN FIT. So all BOD members now had access to even more programs. In the video below I list out a few of my faves from OPEN FIT. While the live classes were great they did not work well for east coasters. So this year in Spring of 2023 BODI came out with BODI blocks and SUPER BLOCKS.

As I mention in the video below, what happened was many members started picking and choosing random BODI classes to do. Thats all fun and great however random classes is not a structured workout routine. So many were doing too many cardio only workouts. Others were only training legs and skipping upper body or vice versa. So people were neglecting muscle groups and no longer seeing as great of a result as if they followed one of our BOD programs.

Ultimate Reset Results


                                                                                                           TOTAL SOLUTION PACKAGE

What is a BODI BLOCK?

  • BODi Blocks are simple, sustainable, and the most effective way to reach your goals. Four new fitness plans that start the first Monday of every month. Each Block features 5 workouts a week for 3 weeks followed by an UP Week (which stands for “Unconditional Progress”) to reset and recover.

  • They’re based on block periodization, a proven approach to exercise and recovery that challenges you without overtraining.

    It’s all about helping you create consistency with your Health Esteem routine. Your life is busy. Pretending you’re going to work out every day and never eat a cookie is silly.

    So we’re ditching the perfection mindset and bringing you new programs every month that you can actually stick to, because they work with real life.

What Are the 4 BODi Block Fitness Plans?

  • All-BODi Block– If you’re looking for a workout fitness plan that checks all the boxes, you’ve found it! Join your favorite BODi trainers for an innovative mix of strength training, cardio, core work, and mobility drills that help you get in the best shape of your life faster than you expected (but we knew it all along). Presented in the Block format that works: 3 weeks, 5 workouts a week for around 30 mins.
  • Iron Block– Traditional weightlifting paired with cutting-edge split training will help you optimize your muscle-building while dialing up your calorie burn. It’s your one-stop shop for more lean mass and definition, so get your bench and grab your weights — it’s go time. Presented in the Block format that works: 3 weeks, 5 workouts a week for around 30 mins.
  • For Beginners Only– Whether you’re brand-new to fitness or you’re getting back to it after a break this is a low impact block for you.
  • Bike Block-Clip in for a fun, well-balanced mix of cycling and strength training that’s big on results. Each week you’ll encounter a variety of rides — from rolling hills and steep climbs to interval and endurance sessions — as well as targeted weightlifting that will make you stronger on and off the bike. If you enjoy cycling but also want overall tone and strength, this hybrid plan is for you. Presented in the Block format that works: 3 weeks, 5 workouts a week for around 30 mins.

Beachbody workouts

What is a SUPER BLOCK?

  • A Super Block is when our Super Trainers remake one of their most popular programs in the BODi Block format. This is your chance to revisit your favorite programs — like 21 Day Fix or T25 — with new workouts, new playlists set to popular music, and an entirely new experience. It’s all about giving you more of what you love, plus a little push to get you where you want to go.

In this video I show you how many programs you have, how to find the older BOD programs, Open Fit programs, Bodi Classes, BODI Blocks and Super Blocks!


                                                                                                      TOTAL SOLUTION PACKAGE

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