Jackie Enos

The Work Agility Workout

The Work Agility Workout
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The Work Agility Workout

Do you have fun in your workouts?
Yes they should challenge you and maybe the first week or two if working out you are sore and tired. But eventually you crave movement.

You gain strength and endurance
You love those feel good endorphins
You actually start to look forward to your workout.
Dare I say you even start to enjoy feeling sore?????????‍♀️just me – cool

I chat with lots of peeps daily about starting to improve their health, working out and of course nutrition. THEE number one thing I hear is IM NOT MOTIVATED!!!!!

Well shit are you motivated to go to your job and listen to your boss EVERYDAY? Doubtful.

Motivation comes and goes. Sometimes it gets you started but discipline and habit keeps you going. It’s why I love the plans I offer my members. There is always an option for everyone. It’s why I love my virtual community. We keep each other motivated and inspired and heck supported!

So STOP waiting for MOTIVATION to show up girl because you gonna be waiting a while!

So let’s go- peep the end of this vid for the funny blooper I had in my morning workout and then COME JOIN ME????????‍♀️

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