Virtual Classes

Let’s get our group fitness on!
Don’t attend my local gym? No prob you can take my online classes.
Below are the types of classes and times and the instructions on how to join

Metkon Rx ( Metabolic conditioning, weights with a mix of tabata & core) dumbbells and a mat is all you need.
Tabata- HIIT training, bodyweight, and core. Just your body and a mat.
Class Schedule
Monday 6am Eastern: MetkonRX strength (weights)
Wednesday 8am Eastern: Tabata (no weights)
Saturday 8:30 am Eastern: MetkonRX (weights)

How to sign up:
PayPal me at $10

VENMO me JackieEnosFitness or $10

Specify in the notes section when you pay which class and day you are taking please!!!!!
Please sign up by Sunday nights for the week ahead
Last Step:
You only need to send this waiver 1 time before your first class.
Copy This Virtual Class Waiver below and email it to
In your email you must post “I AGREE”
“I am aware of my own health and physical condition, and having knowledge that my participation in any exercise program may be injurious to my health, am voluntarily participating in a physical activity.
Having such knowledge, I hereby acknowledge this release, any representatives, agents and successors from liability for accidental injury or illness which I may incur as a result of participating in the said physical activity. I hereby assume all risks connected therewith and consent to participate in said program.
I agree to disclose any physical limitations, disabilities, ailments or impairments which may affect my ability to participate in said fitness program.”
Please email me and in the email under the copied wavier post
“I AGREE” ???????? indicating that you have read and consented to this waiver.
Don’t forget to specify which class and times you are taking.
Once I get the WAIVER and Payment is received I’ll email you a ZOOM link!
Before Class download the ZOOM app on phone, tablet or computer.
Cant wait to workout with you!

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