Jackie Enos

Strength & Conditioning

strength and conditioning workout
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Strength & Conditioning

strength and conditioning workout

I woke up ready to dig deep. I am doing a 60 day challenge and this workout was strength and conditioning from Asylum.

I’ve felt off the past two weeks, picking and choosing my workouts from different programs but just not having the same SPARK I usually get of excitement.  This 60 day challenge came at the right time????????⁣ Its still specific workouts from specific programs but I love them. It’s also a great total body challenge.

Some days its crazy intense cardio, others its killer strength and some its a freaking mix of both, and I love it.

Yesterday’s was more HIIT today is all about that strength. This was a total body strength and conditioning workout. Lots of upper body strength, lots of core work and stamina built in.

Save this one and give this sequence a try. It’s an oldie but goodie and was just what my body needed.

I love that a few of the ladies inside my virtual fit for life community are doing this challenge with me????

All you need is you, your body and dumbbells.⁣

The next 60 days are going to happen anyway, why not end them stronger, healthier and happier?????????‍♀️ Lets go girl! ⁣



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